City Elected Officials



Phone: (850) 653-9319

Mayor- Brenda Ash


City Commissioners:
(4 years) All City Officials Are Elected As Non-Partisan & At Large

Adriane Elliot

Donna Duncan  

Despina George 

Anita Grove


Contact Information: 
City Clerk: Deborah Guillotte - 192 Coach Wagner BLVD, Apalachicola, Fl 32320 
(850) 653-9319

Meetings: 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday at 6 p.m. City Hall

Click here to visit website


Telephone (850) 697-3618

Mayor Brenda LaPaz 


City Commissioners:
(4 years) All City Officials Are Elected As Non-Partisan & At Large 

Sebrina Brown
Anthony Millender 
Russell Walden
William "Bill" Gray

For Contact: 
City Clerk: Keisha Smith (850) 697- 2727
1206 HWY 98 E, Carrabelle, FL 32322

Meetings: 1st Monday of each month at City of Carrabelle Office Complex 

Click here to visit website 


The Supervisor of Elections offers to all municipalities in Franklin County the assistance of this office for municipal elections. Although, by Florida Statute, the City Clerk is the elections official, this office is willing to perform all election related tasks with the exception of candidate qualifying for each city. Ballot layout and preparation, absentee balloting, pollworker training, and ballot tabulation are just a few of the services provided.


Each municipality has its own charter which governs the requirements for becoming a candidate. Prospective candidates should consult with their respective city clerk well in advance of the qualifying dates to learn about those requirements.