Supervisor of Elections
The Supervisor of Elections is the Constitutional Officer designated by Florida law to administer elections and voter registration for Franklin County.
The primary duties of the Supervisor and staff are:
- Conduct federal, state, county, and district elections.
- Register voters.
- Maintain voter registration rolls
- Mail advance notice of election for absentee request to voters who are overseas, in the military, or who request notification.
- Accept Vote by Mail ballot requests and send, receive and verify Vote by Mail ballots.
- Qualify candidates for district and county offices.
- Receive candidate campaign finance reports for district and county offices and make them available to the public.
- Receive and maintain public financial disclosure reports.
- Maintain voting equipment.
- Hire and train Poll Workers.
- Acquire and equip polling places.
- Maintain statistics on election results, voting history, and voter registration.
- Verify petition signatures for initiative, district, and county candidate petitions.
- Maintain and update mapping for precincts.
- Conduct voter outreach drives and education activities.